Friday, May 13, 2011

Summertime Goals

So, today while I was at work I decided to make a list of all the things that I would like to accomplish this summer. I am constantly making lists - I just wish that I had to the time to do everything that I want to do. Tonight during dinner I gave Josh a rundown of how my daily chunk 24 hours are spent.

Let me share.
9 hours per day at work
8 hours sleep - I can't function without a good 8 hours.
1 hour driving - to and from work
1 hour to cook dinner
1 hour to clean 
1 hour to get myself together in the morning
1 hour to shower and get ready for bed at night
30 minutes computer time per day
30 to walk the dog
1 hour to spend with Hubs
24 hours

That there is my life everyday.
So sad.

Okay so now with the positive stuff:
or as Hubs calls it: 
"Things to accomplish before I turn 100 years old."
most may be impossible but a girl can dream
here we go...

 read 5 books 
lose 15 pounds
run with Hubs everyday
eat healthier
use coupons
acquire a taste for tea - I want to want to drink tea daily 
red hair - natural looking not firetruck red
find a job that doesn't suck so much of my life and soul away
find an apartment with hardwood floors (our lease is up September 30 - thank goodness!)
save enough money to buy a new camera
learn HTML coding
daily devotionals
better my penmanship - I have the sloppiest hand
learn oragami
learn how to bind books
make all our paper
take a cake decorating class
do *lots* of DIY
and I saved my very favorite for last....
Buy only from thrift stores or yard sales - with the exception of things like toiletries and food

Have a wonderful weekend friends!

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